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The QES has maximum probative value and is legally equivalent to a manual signature. With the QES, documents with legal formal requirements can therefore also be signed via DeepSign. The certificates of the signatures can be checked on the following pages depending on the law used: EU law / CH law. In order to be able to sign in a qualified manner, the person signing must be officially identified in advance.

The user first uploads the document to be signed to DeepSign via DeepBox. The user can then specify which persons are to be invited to sign the document and adds the position of the signature fields as required using drag & drop. DeepSign automatically sends an invitation e-mail for signing to the previously defined persons. All persons can then add their electronic signature to the document on DeepSign and confirm it with their DeepID. Once the document has been signed by all persons, the fully signed document is visible to all participants and available for download. People have 30 days to complete the signature process. After this period has expired, the document is no longer available and the initiating person would have to start the process again. The signed document is available for download for 14 days after the last signature. It is then automatically deleted from DeepSign. A signature is charged to the initiating organisation after it has been successfully signed.

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